turn this into four paragprahs

He was a man of wealth, influence, he commanded many people with charm and was also very persuasive himself despite his bad looks, his face was not charming at all, his words were. He was called Darkstride, well he had a cut all the way across his face from the left side of his forehead to the right side of his chin and he was missing his left eyeball, to hide this terrifying appearance he wore an eye patch over his empty eye socket, and often he would wear a big black helmet over his head so that no one could see his face.

Darkstride was a man of great wealth and influence. He had the ability to command others with his charm and was known for being extremely persuasive. Despite his outward appearance, which was far from charming, his words carried an undeniable allure. Deep scars marred his face, stretching from his left forehead to the right side of his chin, and his left eye was missing. To conceal this terrifying appearance, he wore an eye patch over his empty eye socket and often donned a large black helmet to hide his face from prying eyes.

It was intriguing how a man with such a gruesome countenance could hold so much power and captivate the attention of those around him. His wealth allowed him to surround himself with a loyal following, who were enamored by his ability to lead. Darkstride's persuasive skills went beyond his external appearance; his words were like magic, capable of bending even the staunchest hearts to his will. He had an uncanny ability to sway opinions and convince others to adopt his point of view.

Despite his disfigured face, Darkstride was far from being a recluse. Instead, he embraced his unique appearance, turning it into a symbol of his power and dominance. His eye patch and black helmet became iconic, striking fear into the hearts of his enemies and garnering respect from his allies. There was something captivating about a man who showed no fear in displaying his scars to the world, a reminder that true power lies not in physical beauty, but in strength of character and presence.

Darkstride's ability to lead and persuade others was a testament to the strength of his personality. He possessed an inner charm that overshadowed his physical appearance, drawing people towards him and inspiring unwavering loyalty. This enigmatic man became a legend in his own right, with stories and rumors spreading far and wide about the man with the scarred face and the magnetic aura. Darkstride was proof that true power lies not in looks, but in the ability to captivate others with one's words and deeds.

“And what else?” Malok asked, reverting back to his darker self, “Ruin the nation while at it? Let the great kingdom collapse?”

make this longer

Darkstride's undeniable charisma and persuasive powers were not without controversy. While he was able to charm and command the loyalty of many, there were those who questioned the motives behind his actions. Malok, a skeptic in Darkstride's inner circle, expressed his concern. "And what else?" he asked, reverting back to his darker self. "Ruin the nation while at it? Let the great kingdom collapse?"

Malok's words cut through the air like a dagger, hanging heavily in the tension-filled room. His skepticism was not unwarranted, for Darkstride's pursuit of power seemed relentless at times. While his wealth and influence grew, concern grew as well. Some wondered if Darkstride's actions were truly motivated by a desire for the greater good of the kingdom, or if they were simply a means to fulfill his own insatiable ambition.

Those who dared to question Darkstride's intentions were met with his unwavering confidence and a carefully constructed web of persuasive words. He would spend hours eloquently defending his actions, using logic and calculated rhetoric to ease the doubts cast upon him. It was in these moments that his disfigured face and missing eye held a certain uncanny allure, adding an air of mystery that left even the most skeptical questioning their doubts.

Yet, as loyal as his followers were, there were whispers among them. These murmurs circulated in the shadows, away from Darkstride's ears. Some wondered if his intentions were truly noble, or if they were simply a guise to secure his own power. Malok, the voice of doubt, spoke where others dared not. He refused to blindly follow, seeking the truth behind Darkstride's captivating facade.

Amidst the uncertainty and tension, one thing remained clear: the fate of the kingdom hung precariously in Darkstride's hands. Whether he would steer the nation towards ruin or prosperity was a question that weighed heavily on the minds of his followers and adversaries alike. Darkstride's ability to sway opinions and rally support was unparalleled, but it was the outcome of his actions that would ultimately define his legacy. Only time would reveal the true nature of this enigmatic leader and dictate the course of the great kingdom he held so tightly in his grasp.

“Impossible,” Malok replied, “Other than her time in the garden, she wanders around, or sleeps! Or eats!”

make this longer, without saying anythign about fat, or anyhting about Malok hismelf

Darkstride listened intently as Malok expressed his discontent about the princess's seemingly idle lifestyle. "Impossible," Malok replied, his voice laced with exasperation. "Other than her time in the garden, she wanders around, or sleeps! Or eats!" The frustration in his tone was palpable, revealing the growing concern among Darkstride's inner circle.

The princess, despite her elevated stature and position, appeared to be living a life void of purpose or responsibility. While she may have shown occasional interest in tending to the royal garden, her actions beyond that were perceived as aimless and unproductive. It seemed as though she lacked the drive to contribute meaningfully to the kingdom or fulfill the expectations placed upon her.

The murmurs concerning the princess grew steadily louder, drawing attention from those who questioned her ability to lead. Darkstride pondered the validity of these concerns, recognizing that the fate of the kingdom rested upon the shoulders of someone who seemed detached from the responsibilities that came with her position. The people longed for a leader who would inspire confidence and bring about positive change, yet the princess's behavior left them uncertain and anxious about the future.

The idleness of the princess appeared to be a source of frustration for many, particularly those who had witnessed the great potential she held. They yearned for her to tap into her innate abilities, to exert her influence in meaningful ways that would uplift the kingdom as a whole. Instead, her days were spent in a cycle of wandering aimlessly, sleeping excessively, and indulging in lavish meals, creating a stark contrast to the challenges faced by the kingdom and its people.

As Darkstride considered the implications of this observation, he knew that a leader's true worth depended not only on their position, but also on their actions and ability to make a difference. He wondered if it was his duty to guide the princess, to mentor her and help her discover the potential within herself. For in the end, it was the transformation of the reluctant princess, from a passive observer to an active participant, that would pave the way for a prosperous future for the kingdom.

Darkstride was a man who possessed both wealth and influence. Despite his unattractive appearance, he had the ability to charm and persuade others with his words. His face, scarred with a deep cut from his forehead to his chin, and his missing left eyeball were sources of terror. To conceal his menacing appearance, Darkstride wore an eye patch over his empty socket and often donned a large black helmet to completely conceal his face.

Despite his physical shortcomings, Darkstride's ability to captivate and lead others was remarkable. His charm and persuasiveness allowed him to command a substantial following, despite his unfavorable looks. The power he held over people stemmed not from his appearance, but from his ability to communicate effectively and convincingly.

Darkstride's appearance was a stark contrast to his influence and dominance. His scarred face, marked by a gruesome wound that traversed from one side of his forehead to the other side of his chin, was both horrifying and unsettling. The absence of his left eyeball only added to the disfiguration. In order to deflect attention from his terrifying visage, Darkstride strategically concealed it behind an eye patch, shielding his empty eye socket from view. To further obscure his face, he often resorted to wearing a large, ominous black helmet, which effectively made it impossible for anyone to catch a glimpse of his true countenance.

In spite of Darkstride's intimidating appearance, his words held an undeniable allure. He possessed a unique talent for persuasion, which allowed him to wield immense power over others. His words resonated with those who listened, overshadowing the repulsiveness of his physical appearance. Darkstride's ability to command respect and loyalty, despite his disfigured face, was a testament to the strength of his words and the magnetism he exuded.