Which event during 18th and 19th century French history would best support and communis interpretation?

One event during 18th and 19th century French history that would best support and communist interpretation is the French Revolution. The French Revolution, which took place from 1789 to 1799, was a period of radical social and political upheaval in France. It aimed to overthrow the monarchy, establish a republic, and promote egalitarian ideals.

From a communist perspective, the French Revolution can be seen as a struggle of the lower classes against oppressive feudal aristocracy and the bourgeoisie. The revolution saw the rise of working-class movements and the emergence of radical political factions advocating for social and economic equality. It witnessed the dismantling of the feudal system, redistribution of land, and the establishment of policies aimed at improving the conditions of the workers and peasants.

Moreover, the French Revolution gave rise to the more radical phase known as the Reign of Terror, during which revolutionary leaders, such as Maximilien Robespierre, implemented policies that aimed to eradicate counter-revolutionary elements and to promote increased social and economic equality. While the Reign of Terror is often criticized for its excesses, from a communist standpoint, it can be seen as an attempt to ensure the survival of the revolution and the well-being of the lower classes.

Overall, the French Revolution provides ample historical evidence for a communist interpretation, as it represents a period of intense class struggle, the dismantling of aristocratic privilege, and the implementation of policies promoting egalitarian ideals and social justice.