Gina rode her bicycle 1/2 of a mile from her house to the park. Then she rode 4 1/12 miles from the park to the library. How many miles did Gina ride in all?

Write your answer as a fraction or as a whole or mixed number.


To find the total distance Gina rode, we need to add the distance from her house to the park (1/2 mile) and the distance from the park to the library (4 1/12 miles).

To add these two distances, we can rewrite 4 1/12 as an improper fraction.

4 1/12 = 49/12

Now, we can add the two fractions:

1/2 + 49/12 = (6/12) + 49/12 = 55/12

So Gina rode a total of 55/12 miles (or 4 7/12 miles) in all.