what value of b would make the exspressions (16k+14)-(13k-2)-(8k+4) and bk+8 equivalent

To find the value of b that would make the expressions (16k+14)-(13k-2)-(8k+4) and bk+8 equivalent, we need to set them equal to each other and solve for b.

(16k+14)-(13k-2)-(8k+4) = bk+8

To simplify the left side of the equation, we need to distribute the negative sign in the second term:

16k+14-13k+2-8k-4 = bk+8

Combine like terms:

(16k-13k-8k)+(14+2-4) = bk+8

-5k+12 = bk+8

To isolate b, we can subtract 8 from both sides:

-5k+4 = bk

Now, we need to compare the coefficients of k on both sides.

On the left side, the coefficient of k is -5.

On the right side, the coefficient of k is b.

Therefore, for the expressions to be equivalent, the value of b should be -5.