What value of B would make the expressions(16k+14)-(13k-2)-(8k+4)) and bk+8 equivalent

To make the expressions (16k+14)-(13k-2)-(8k+4)) and bk+8 equivalent, we can set them equal to each other and find the value of B.

So, (16k+14)-(13k-2)-(8k+4)) = bk+8

Expanding the brackets, we get:

16k + 14 - 13k + 2 - 8k - 4 = bk + 8

Combining like terms, we get:

-5k + 12 = bk + 8

To make the expressions equivalent, the coefficients of k must be equal. Therefore:

B = -5

So, B = -5 would make the expressions (16k+14)-(13k-2)-(8k+4)) and bk+8 equivalent.