a number is multipled by 85 the result is a positive number greater than 85 which of these was multipled by 85

To find the number that was multiplied by 85, we need to find a positive number greater than 85 that is divisible by 85.

The positive number greater than 85 that is divisible by 85 is 170 (85 x 2). Therefore, 170 was multiplied by 85.

a number is multipled by 85 the result is a positive number greater than 85 which of these was multipled by 85

A- A number less then zero

B- a number between than zero

C- Zero

D- a number greater than one

Based on the given information, the correct answer is D - a number greater than one.

This is because multiplying a number by 85 will always result in a positive number (since 85 is positive) and the number being multiplied needs to be greater than 1 to obtain a positive number greater than 85. Option A represents a negative number, which will not result in a positive answer. Option B represents a number between zero and one, which will not result in a positive answer greater than 85. Option C represents zero, which when multiplied by any number will always result in zero. Therefore, the only feasible option is D.

Mr. Anderson decides to visit a childhood friend his car gives him 27.2 miles to the gallon Mr anderson has 4 gallons of fuel which of the following is true

A- Mr Anderson can travel 124.8 miles

B- Mr Anderson can travel 54.4 miles

C- Mr Anderson can travel 108.8 miles

D- Mr Anderson can travel 92.8 miles

To find how far Mr. Anderson can travel, we need to multiply his fuel capacity (4 gallons) by his car's fuel efficiency (27.2 miles per gallon).

4 gallons * 27.2 miles per gallon = 108.8 miles

Therefore, the correct answer is C - Mr. Anderson can travel 108.8 miles.

a helicopter is flying at an elevation of 1,200 feet relative to sea level which statement would combine with the simulation to make zero

To clarify, are you asking for a statement that, when combined with the given information about the helicopter's elevation of 1,200 feet relative to sea level, would result in a total value of zero? Please provide further clarification or context for a more accurate response.

-2,002 divided by (-700) =

The division of -2,002 by -700 can be calculated as follows:

-2,002 / -700 = 2.86... (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, -2,002 divided by -700 is approximately 2.86.

which of the following is true about the quotient below

-10/ 0

The quotient -10/0 is undefined.

Division by zero is undefined in mathematics as it does not have a meaningful or valid result. Therefore, none of the following statements could be true about this quotient.