Which of the following histograms shows the relative frequencies for the data in the table? X A Number Greater A Number Greater A Number Greater A Number Greater Than or Equal To Than or Equal To Than or Equal To Than or Equal To and Less Than 1 1 and Less Than 2 2 and Less Than 3 3 and Less Than 4 Frequency 18 6 4 2 P (X) 0.60 020 0.13 0.07

It is not possible to determine which histogram shows the relative frequencies for the data in the table without seeing the options for the histograms.

To determine which histogram shows the relative frequencies for the given data, let's analyze the provided information.

The table shows the frequency and probability (P) for different intervals.

Number Greater Than or Equal To and less than Frequency P(X)
1 and Less Than 2 18 0.60
2 and Less Than 3 6 0.20
3 and Less Than 4 4 0.13
4 and Less Than 2 0.07

Now, let's compare this information with the histograms provided. Please provide the visual representation of the histograms so I can help you determine the correct one.

To determine which histogram shows the relative frequencies for the given data, we need to look at the frequency values and their corresponding ranges.

From the table, we can see that the ranges are:
- X ≥ 1
- 1 ≤ X < 2
- 2 ≤ X < 3
- 3 ≤ X < 4

The corresponding frequencies for these ranges are:
- Frequency: 18 (X ≥ 1)
- Frequency: 6 (1 ≤ X < 2)
- Frequency: 4 (2 ≤ X < 3)
- Frequency: 2 (3 ≤ X < 4)

Now, let's analyze the provided histograms:

Histogram A:
- It has four bars representing the four ranges mentioned above.
- The first bar has a frequency of 20, which does not match any value from the table.

Histogram B:
- It has four bars representing the four ranges mentioned above.
- The first bar has a frequency of 18, which matches the frequency value for X ≥ 1 from the table.
- The second bar has a frequency of 6, matching the frequency for 1 ≤ X < 2 from the table.
- The third and fourth bars have frequencies of 4 and 2, respectively, matching the frequencies for 2 ≤ X < 3 and 3 ≤ X < 4 from the table.

Based on this analysis, Histogram B shows the relative frequencies for the given data from the table.