A typical tip in a restaurant is 15% is. The bill is $82.14. What will the tip be what will the total cost be after Tip

To calculate the tip amount, we need to multiply the bill by the tip percentage:

Tip = $82.14 * 15% = $82.14 * (15/100) = $12.32

The total cost after the tip will be the sum of the bill and the tip:

Total cost = $82.14 + $12.32 = $94.46

What is the equation you can use for Percent changes

The equation used for percent change is:

Percent Change = (Final Value - Initial Value) / Initial Value * 100

This equation calculates the percentage increase or decrease between two values. The result is expressed as a percentage.

To calculate the tip and the total cost, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the tip amount.
Multiply the bill amount by the percentage tip you want to give. In this case, we'll use 15%.

Tip amount = $82.14 * 0.15
Tip amount = $12.32

So, the tip amount will be $12.32.

Step 2: Calculate the total cost.
Add the bill amount and the tip amount together.

Total cost = $82.14 + $12.32
Total cost = $94.46

Therefore, the tip will be $12.32 and the total cost after the tip will be $94.46.