Luis is libra, chocolate chip cookies. The recipe calls for 1/8 cup of almonds forever, 3/4 cup of chocolate chips if Lewis uses 3 cups of chocolate, how many cups of almond will he need

To find out how many cups of almonds Luis will need, we need to find the ratio between the amount of almonds and the amount of chocolate chips.

The ratio of almonds to chocolate chips is 1/8 : 3/4.

To simplify the ratio, we multiply both sides by 8 (the lowest common denominator):

8 * (1/8) : 8 * (3/4) = 1 : 6

This means that for every 1 cup of almonds, Luis will need 6 cups of chocolate chips.

Since Luis is using 3 cups of chocolate chips, he will need:

(1/6) * 3 = 3/6 = 1/2 cup of almonds.

Therefore, Luis will need 1/2 cup of almonds.