Southwest Asia and South Asia Portfolio

Worksheet Part 1 – Identify a Problem

Write a short response in complete sentences to each of the
following questions. Each response should be approximately 3–4
1. What is the problem you have identified? Be sure to include the
nation(s) affected.
The problem I have identified is oil pollution. Some of the nation’s being
Affected by this is the Middle East of Southwest Asia.

2. What supporting background information identifies the problem and
provides supporting evidence that the problem exists?

Some background information that identifies the problem of oil pollution in Southwest Asia is the high concentration of oil production and transportation in this region. The Middle East is known for its vast oil reserves and its role as a major global supplier of oil. This has led to an increased risk of oil spills and leakage, which have significant negative impacts on the environment and local communities. There have been numerous incidents of oil pollution in the region, including the Gulf War oil spill in Kuwait in 1991 and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, which also affected Southwest Asia.

could you put less words

The problem I have identified is oil pollution in Southwest Asia, specifically in the Middle East. The presence of vast oil reserves and the region's role as a major global supplier of oil contribute to a higher risk of oil spills and leakage. This has resulted in negative impacts on the environment and local communities. Incidents such as the Gulf War oil spill in 1991 and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010 have further highlighted the problem of oil pollution in the region.

could you do water on the 2nd question

Some background information that identifies the problem of water scarcity in South Asia is the region's high population density and geographical factors. South Asia is home to a large and growing population, leading to increasing water demand for various purposes such as agriculture, drinking, and industrial use. Additionally, the region's geography, including the presence of arid and semi-arid regions, limited river systems, and reliance on monsoon rains, exacerbates the scarcity of water resources. This problem has resulted in water shortages, inadequate access to safe drinking water, and challenges in irrigation and agricultural productivity in South Asia.

can you put less words

Water scarcity in South Asia is a problem due to the region's high population density and geographical factors. The growing population is increasing the demand for water, while limited river systems and reliance on monsoon rains worsen the scarcity. This leads to water shortages, inadequate access to safe drinking water, and challenges in agriculture.

Thank you!

You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

3. What are the roles of government, business, and citizens in relation

to the identified problem?