I need help, This is from Connexus

Southwest Asia and South Asia Portfolio worksheet. It is Unit 5 Lesson 1. I need help! I am doing it on poverty, but any easier suggestions and help would be great!! These are the questions:

What is the problem you have identified? Be sure to include the nation(s) affected.

What supporting background information identifies the problem and provides supporting evidence that the problem exists?

What are the roles of government, business, and citizens in relation to the identified problem?

What is your proposed solution to the problem? This is the “What” part of your business proposal.

The next two questions answer the “How” part of your business proposal.

What financial, human, and natural resources are needed to support the proposed solution?

What should government, business leaders, and citizens do to make your solution happen?

What positive outcome do you think will happen if your solution is carried out?
Consider how the solution will benefit the region and its citizens. This answers the “Why” parts of your business proposal including why you want to carry out your solution and why others (your audience) should help you.

Please help me! I don't understand this and I need help completing it! I am 14 lessons behind in this class!!!!! Any and all help is very much appreciated! Thanks in advance,

Can anyone help me? This is a 7th-grade social studies portfolio and I am going to be grounded from everything that is not school. I don't understand this assignment, and need help with it ASAP! Thank you in advance,


I understand that you need help with the Southwest Asia and South Asia Portfolio worksheet for Unit 5 Lesson 1. Let's go through each question step by step to help you complete it:

1. What is the problem you have identified? Be sure to include the nation(s) affected.
- Identify a specific problem related to poverty in either Southwest Asia or South Asia. For example, you could choose the problem of inadequate access to education for children in India.

2. What supporting background information identifies the problem and provides supporting evidence that the problem exists?
- Research and provide background information on the extent of the problem, statistics, and any relevant data. For example, in the case of inadequate access to education in India, you could include statistics on school dropout rates or the number of children out of school.

3. What are the roles of government, business, and citizens in relation to the identified problem?
- Explain how each of these stakeholders can contribute to addressing the identified problem. For example, the government can implement policies to improve access to education, businesses can support initiatives that provide educational resources, and citizens can engage in volunteering or advocacy efforts.

4. What is your proposed solution to the problem? This is the "What" part of your business proposal.
- Outline your proposed solution to address the identified problem. For example, your solution could involve establishing community learning centers in rural areas to provide access to education for children who are unable to attend traditional schools.

5. What financial, human, and natural resources are needed to support the proposed solution?
- Identify the resources required for your proposed solution. This could include financial resources for building infrastructure, human resources such as teachers or volunteers, and natural resources such as land or materials for construction.

6. What should government, business leaders, and citizens do to make your solution happen?
- Explain the actions that each stakeholder should take to support your proposed solution. For example, the government could allocate funding for the establishment and maintenance of community learning centers, business leaders could provide financial or in-kind support, and citizens could volunteer their time or donate resources.

7. What positive outcome do you think will happen if your solution is carried out?
- Discuss the positive impacts that your proposed solution could have on the region and its citizens. For example, improved access to education could lead to higher literacy rates, better employment opportunities, and overall socioeconomic development for the community.

Remember to provide relevant evidence, examples, and explanations to support your answers. If you have any specific information or ideas you would like assistance with, please let me know.

I can understand that you are feeling overwhelmed with the assignment, but don't worry, I'm here to help you. Since the assignment is about poverty in Southwest Asia and South Asia, let's break down the questions and work on each one step by step.

1. What is the problem you have identified? Be sure to include the nation(s) affected.
For this question, you need to identify and describe the problem of poverty in specific nations in Southwest Asia and South Asia. Start by researching the countries in these regions and their poverty rates. You can use online sources or textbooks to gather this information. Once you have identified the nations affected by poverty, write a clear description of the problem.

2. What supporting background information identifies the problem and provides supporting evidence that the problem exists?
To answer this question, you need to provide background information on poverty in Southwest Asia and South Asia. This can include statistical data, facts, and examples that illustrate the existence and impact of poverty in the region. Look for reliable sources like government reports, academic studies, or international organizations such as the World Bank or the United Nations.

3. What are the roles of government, business, and citizens in relation to the identified problem?
In this question, you need to explain the responsibilities and roles of the government, business, and citizens regarding the issue of poverty. Research how each of these groups can contribute to addressing poverty, such as implementing social welfare programs, creating job opportunities, or advocating for policies that improve living conditions.

4. What is your proposed solution to the problem?
Here, you need to come up with a solution to address the problem of poverty. Think about practical and feasible actions that can be taken to alleviate poverty in the identified nations. Consider ideas like education programs, microfinancing initiatives, or vocational training opportunities. Make sure to explain your proposed solution in detail.

5. What financial, human, and natural resources are needed to support the proposed solution?
In this question, you need to identify the resources required to carry out your proposed solution. Think about the financial resources needed, such as funding or investment, the human resources required, such as experts or volunteers, and the natural resources that may play a role, such as access to clean water or agricultural land.

6. What should government, business leaders, and citizens do to make your solution happen?
Here, you need to outline the specific actions that government, business leaders, and citizens should take to support your proposed solution. For example, government officials can allocate funds, businesses can create job opportunities, and citizens can actively participate in community projects. Be specific in outlining these actions.

7. What positive outcome do you think will happen if your solution is carried out?
In this final question, you need to describe the positive impact that your proposed solution can have on the region and its citizens. Consider how your solution can improve living conditions, reduce poverty rates, promote economic growth, or empower individuals and communities. Explain why your solution is valuable and why others should support it.

Remember to use reliable sources when researching information and to organize your answers in a logical and coherent manner. I hope this guidance helps you in completing your assignment.