Based on the questionnaire and activities in this unit, write 2-3 sentences in response to each of the following questions:

• What do you value the most in a job?
• Which careers are you suited for based on your personality type?
• Which of the following traits do you identify with: assertive, persuasive, or systematic?
• Do you agree with the results of the questionnaire?

• What do you value the most in a job?

I value the most in a job the opportunity for growth and personal development, a positive work environment, and a good work-life balance.

• Which careers are you suited for based on your personality type?
Based on my personality type, I am suited for careers in counseling, social work, or psychology, as I enjoy helping and supporting others.

• Which of the following traits do you identify with: assertive, persuasive, or systematic?
I identify the most with the assertive trait, as I am confident and comfortable taking charge in different situations.

• Do you agree with the results of the questionnaire?
Yes, I agree with the results of the questionnaire as it aligns with my interests, skills, and personality traits, providing me with suitable career options to consider.