If Samira scored high on the questionnaire in the category of medicine, in which of the

following job duties would Samira likely be interested in, based on her questionnaire
results? Select all that apply.
(2 poin
(a)greeting people in the office <<<<<***
(b)using medical terminology <<<<*<*****
(c)managing office personnel
(d)mentoring students as a guidance counselor
(e) working with technical tools

I think its those two, but im not 100% sure


B, E

@ur mom is 100% correct!!!

B - yes

A - no

Then it would be E?

B, E

ur mom is correct

To determine which job duties Samira would likely be interested in based on her questionnaire results, we need to consider her high score in the category of medicine.

The two job duties that align with Samira's interest in medicine, based on her questionnaire results, are:

(b) Using medical terminology: Samira's interest in medicine suggests that she may have knowledge and understanding of medical terminology, making this job duty relevant to her skills and interests.

(e) Working with technical tools: Medicine often involves the use of technical tools and equipment for various procedures and treatments. Samira's interest in medicine could indicate an interest in working with these tools as part of her job duties.

Therefore, based on her questionnaire results, Samira would likely be interested in job duties involving (b) using medical terminology and (e) working with technical tools.