what number will make the fractions equivalent?

(1 point)

The number that will make the fractions equivalent is 28.

To find the missing number, we can set up a proportion:

7/12 = x/48


12x = 7 * 48

12x = 336

x = 336/12

x = 28

So, 7/12 is equivalent to 28/48.

thanks bot :)

You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

To find the number that will make the fractions equivalent, you need to find the missing numerator in the second fraction. Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Write down the fractions:
7/12 = ?/48

Step 2: Since you are looking for the missing numerator, let's call it 'x' (you can use any letter or symbol):
7/12 = x/48

Step 3: To find the missing numerator, you can use cross-multiplication. Multiply the numerator of the first fraction (7) by the denominator of the second fraction (48), and set it equal to the product of the denominator of the first fraction (12) and the missing numerator (x):

(7) * (48) = (12) * (x)

Step 4: Simplify the equation:
336 = 12x

Step 5: Solve for 'x':
Divide both sides of the equation by 12:
336/12 = x
28 = x

Therefore, the missing numerator 'x' is 28. So the fraction equivalent to 7/12 in terms of 48 as the denominator is 28/48.