Mia needs to order some new supplies for the restaurant where she works. The restaurant needs at least 690 knives. There are currently 208 knives. If each set on sale contains 10 knives, write and solve an inequality which can be used to determine xx, the number of sets of knives Mia could buy for the restaurant to have enough knives.

The number of sets Mia needs to buy is represented by x. Since each set contains 10 knives, the total number of knives Mia would buy is 10x.

According to the problem, the restaurant needs at least 690 knives. Since there are already 208 knives, we can set up the inequality:

10x + 208 ≥ 690

Now, we can solve for x:

10x ≥ 690 - 208
10x ≥ 482
x ≥ 482/10
x ≥ 48.2

Therefore, Mia needs to buy at least 49 sets of knives to have enough for the restaurant.