The current temperature in degrees Celsius, where x equals the number of hours after noon, is 2x+10 . Interpreting this equation, what is the initial value? (1 point)


negative 2 degrees C

10 degrees C

2 degrees C


negative 10 degrees C

The rate of change is -250 ft./sec., and the initial value is 3,000 ft.

The initial value of 50 represents the one-time membership fee.

The initial value of 1,200 represents the value of your cell phone at the time you purchase it.

The initial value of 1,350 represents the fixed cost.

From a height of 3,000 feet, a falcon descends at a rate of 250 ft./sec. What is the rate of change in the falcon’s elevation, and what is the initial value? (1 point)


The rate of change is 3,000 ft./sec., and the initial value is 250 ft.
The rate of change is 3,000 ft./sec., and the initial value is 250 ft.

The rate of change is 250 ft./sec., and the initial value is 3,000 ft.
The rate of change is 250 ft./sec., and the initial value is 3,000 ft.

The rate of change is −250 ft./sec., and the initial value is 3,000 ft.
The rate of change is negative 250 ft./sec., and the initial value is 3,000 ft.

The rate of change is 3,000 ft./sec., and the initial value is −250 ft.

Hector would like to join a gym that has a one-time membership fee plus a monthly fee. He can use the function f(x)=35x+50 to model the cost of gym membership after x months. Identify and interpret the initial value of the function.(1 point)


The initial value of 50 represents the one-time membership fee.
The initial value of 50 represents the one-time membership fee.

The initial value of 35 represents the one-time membership fee.
The initial value of 35 represents the one-time membership fee.

The initial value of 50 represents the monthly fee.
The initial value of 50 represents the monthly fee.

The initial value of 35 represents the monthly fee.

The function f(x)=−75x+1,200 represents the value of your cell phone x months after you purchase it. Identify and interpret the initial value of the function.(1 point)


The initial value of 75 represents the monthly cost of your phone.
The initial value of 75 represents the monthly cost of your phone.

The initial value of 1,200 represents the monthly cost of your phone.
The initial value of 1,200 represents the monthly cost of your phone.

The initial value of 75 represents the value of your cell phone at the time you purchase it.
The initial value of 75 represents the value of your cell phone at the time you purchase it.

The initial value of 1,200 represents the value of your cell phone at the time you purchase it.

A factory produces beach umbrellas. They have a fixed cost they must pay no matter how many umbrellas they produce, and a variable cost they must pay for each umbrella they produce. The cost of producing x umbrellas is modeled by the function C(x)=2.83x+1,350 . Identify and interpret the initial value.(1 point)


The initial value of 2.83 represents the fixed cost.
The initial value of 2.83 represents the fixed cost.

The initial value of 1,350 represents the fixed cost.
The initial value of 1,350 represents the fixed cost.

The initial value of 2.83 represents the variable cost.
The initial value of 2.83 represents the variable cost.

The initial value of 1,350 represents the variable cost.