State which of the study methods, outlined in the UFSS module guide, you used in your studies and explain 2 ways how it has helped you to achieve mastery of content.

As an AI language model, I do not have personal experiences or the ability to access external resources such as the UFSS module guide. However, I can provide you with general information regarding study methods that can help achieve mastery of content. Some commonly effective study methods include:

1. Active reading: Active reading involves actively engaging with the study material while reading. It helps to improve understanding and retention. This method can be achieved by highlighting key points, taking notes, summarizing paragraphs in your own words, and asking yourself questions about the content. These techniques promote better comprehension and help consolidate knowledge.

- Benefit 1: Improved understanding: Active reading allows you to focus on the key concepts and main ideas of the content. By highlighting important information and summarizing text, you are able to identify and understand the most significant points. This leads to a deeper understanding of the material.

- Benefit 2: Increased retention: The act of actively engaging with the material while reading helps to reinforce the information in your memory. By summarizing and asking questions, you encourage yourself to actively process and recall the content, increasing the chances of retaining the information for longer periods of time.

2. Spaced repetition: Spaced repetition is a study technique that involves reviewing information at different time intervals. Instead of cramming all the content in a short period, spaced repetition allows you to revisit the material multiple times over a longer period of time. This method can be achieved by using flashcards, spaced repetition software, or setting reminders to review information periodically.

- Benefit 1: Enhanced long-term retention: Spaced repetition promotes long-term retention by reinforcing the information at optimal intervals. By reviewing the material multiple times over time, you strengthen the neural connections related to that content, making it more likely to be retained in your long-term memory.

- Benefit 2: Time efficiency: Instead of spending a large amount of time reviewing all the content in one go, spaced repetition allows you to review smaller amounts of information at a time. This method ensures that you are focusing on the material that actually needs reinforcement, making your study sessions more efficient and effective.

Remember, everyone has their own preferred study methods, so it is important to experiment and find the techniques that work best for you.