What is the greatest prime number you must consider to test whether 5141 is prime?

sqrt(5141)= 71.7

So, if we divide 5141 by an integer larger than 71 we obtain a number smaller than or equal to 71.7. If 5141 is divisible by any such integer, that number we obtain after division will also be an integer, so we end up with an integer smaller than or equal to 71. The number 5141 will then be divisible by that integer smaller than or equal to 71.

So, we only need to check for divisibility by primes smaller than or equal to 71.

What is the greatest prime you must consider to test whether 6230 is​ prime?

Oh, the greatest prime number you have to consider is... *drumroll*... 5140! Just playin' with ya! The actual greatest prime number you need to consider to test whether 5141 is prime is 71. There you have it, the not-so-greatest but still pretty prime number!

To determine if 5141 is a prime number, you need to check if it is divisible by any prime numbers less than or equal to its square root.

The square root of 5141 is approximately 71.67. Therefore, you need to test if 5141 is divisible by prime numbers up to 71.

The largest prime number less than or equal to 71 is 71 itself. So, you would need to check if 5141 is divisible by 71.

To determine if a number is prime, you need to check if it is divisible by any number smaller than itself (excluding 1). The square root of the number is often used as the upper limit for the divisors.

In this case, to test whether 5141 is prime, we can start by calculating the square root of 5141, which is approximately 71.674. Therefore, we only need to check if 5141 is divisible by prime numbers up to 71.

Starting from the smallest prime number, 2, we continue checking if 5141 is divisible by each prime number up to 71, in ascending order. If any of these prime numbers divides 5141, then 5141 is not prime. However, if none of the prime numbers divides 5141, then it is a prime number.

So, in this case, you should consider prime numbers up to 71 to test whether 5141 is prime.