Which line of reflection would make rectangle A'B'C'D' the image of rectangle ABCD?

A figure shows rectangle ABCD and rectangle A prime B prime C prime D prime. Rectangle ABCD is oriented with point A in the upper left-hand corner, followed clockwise by points B, C, and D. Rectangle A prime B prime C prime D prime is positioned below and to the right of rectangle ABCD. It is oriented with point A prime in the bottom right-hand corner, followed counterclockwise by points B prime, C prime, and D prime. The figure also includes four lines of reflection. The first line is vertical, the second line is horizontal, the third line is diagonal from bottom left to top right, and the fourth line is diagonal from top left to bottom right.

A. line 1
B. line 2
C. line 3
D. line 4

B. line 2 (a horizontal reflection)

The line of reflection that would make rectangle A'B'C'D' the image of rectangle ABCD is:

C. line 3

To determine which line of reflection would make rectangle A'B'C'D' the image of rectangle ABCD, we need to understand how lines of reflection work.

A line of reflection is a line that acts as a mirror, reflecting the original figure onto its image. The line of reflection is like a boundary, where any point on one side of the line is reflected to the other side of the line, maintaining the same distance to the line.

In the given figure, there are four lines of reflection:
1. Vertical line
2. Horizontal line
3. Diagonal line from bottom left to top right
4. Diagonal line from top left to bottom right.

To determine which line of reflection would make rectangle A'B'C'D' the image of rectangle ABCD, we need to look for a line that would reflect each point of ABCD to the corresponding point of A'B'C'D'.

Let's analyze the position of each point:
- Point A is in the upper left-hand corner in rectangle ABCD, but in the bottom right-hand corner in rectangle A'B'C'D'.
- Point B is positioned clockwise from point A in both rectangles.
- Point C is positioned clockwise from point B in both rectangles.
- Point D is positioned clockwise from point C in both rectangles.

By comparing the positions of the corresponding points, we can determine the line of reflection that would transform ABCD into A'B'C'D'.

Looking at the positions of the corresponding points, we can see that the line of reflection that would make rectangle A'B'C'D' the image of rectangle ABCD is the Vertical line. This is because the Vertical line would transform point A to its corresponding position in A', as well as transforming points B, C, and D to their corresponding positions.

Therefore, the correct answer is:
A. line 1 - Vertical line