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Which of the following figures is symmetric about the dashed line?

Image shows vase shaped figure with long neck lying on its side with vertical dashed line through the base of the figure.
Image shows a rectangle with a diagonal dashed line from the top right corner to the bottom left corner.
Image shows an irregular 8-sided figure with a vertical dashed line.
Image shows a vase shaped figure with long neck upright with a vertical dashed line through the center of the figure.

It is difficult to answer this question without seeing the images. Please provide the images or a more detailed description of each figure.

To determine which figure is symmetric about the dashed line, we need to look for figures that have identical halves on both sides of the dashed line. Let's examine each option:

A. The image shows a vase-shaped figure lying on its side with a vertical dashed line through the base of the figure. This figure is not symmetric about the dashed line since the left and right sides are not mirror images of each other.

B. The image shows a rectangle with a diagonal dashed line from the top right corner to the bottom left corner. This figure is not symmetric about the dashed line since the left and right sides are not mirror images of each other.

C. The image shows an irregular 8-sided figure with a vertical dashed line. This figure is symmetric about the dashed line since the left and right sides are mirror images of each other.

D. The image shows a vase-shaped figure with a long neck upright with a vertical dashed line through the center of the figure. This figure is not symmetric about the dashed line since the left and right sides are not mirror images of each other.

Therefore, the figure that is symmetric about the dashed line is option C.

To determine which figure is symmetric about the dashed line, you need to understand the concept of symmetry.

Symmetry refers to a balanced arrangement of elements. In the case of a line of symmetry, if you were to fold the figure along that line, both halves would match exactly.

To find the symmetric figure, we need to analyze each option in relation to the dashed line provided.

A. The vase-shaped figure lying on its side with a vertical dashed line. If you were to fold the figure along the dashed line, the left half would not match the right half. Therefore, this figure is not symmetric about the dashed line.

B. The rectangle with a diagonal dashed line. If you were to fold the figure along the dashed line, the left half would not match the right half. Therefore, this figure is not symmetric about the dashed line.

C. The irregular 8-sided figure with a vertical dashed line. If you were to fold the figure along the dashed line, the left half would match the right half perfectly. Therefore, this figure is symmetric about the dashed line.

D. The vase-shaped figure with the long neck upright and a vertical dashed line. If you were to fold the figure along the dashed line, the left half would not match the right half. Therefore, this figure is not symmetric about the dashed line.

Therefore, the correct answer is C - the irregular 8-sided figure with a vertical dashed line.