Alcohol abuse can cause scarring of the liver, which is called


alcoholism. - no response given

detoxification. - no response given

cirrhosis. - correct

addiction. - no response given

here are the answers for Connexus kids

alcohol abuse can cause scarring of the liver, which is called?

a person who has a phisical craving or strong emotional need to use alcohol is showing signs of?
an alcoholic who has symptoms of shakiness, irritability, rapid heart beat, and sweating is showing signs of?


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To determine the correct answer, it is important to have knowledge about alcohol abuse and its effects on the body. In this case, alcohol abuse can indeed cause scarring of the liver, which is called cirrhosis. The other options listed, such as alcoholism, detoxification, and addiction, are related concepts but do not specifically refer to scarring of the liver caused by alcohol abuse.

Thank you for providing the correct answers! The word "withdrawal" is indeed the correct response for the symptoms of shakiness, irritability, rapid heartbeat, and sweating in an alcoholic.