Add and Subtract Fractions to Solve Problems Quick Check%0D%0A4 of 54 of 5 Items%0D%0A%0D%0AQuestion%0D%0ASkyler is making cookies to donate to the bake sale at his local grocery store. He makes 23 of the cookies on a given night and has only enough time to decorate 14 of them. What is the fractional portion remaining that he still needs to decorate?(1 point)%0D%0AResponses%0D%0A%0D%0A512%0D%0AStart Fraction 5 over 12 End Fraction%0D%0A%0D%0A12%0D%0AStart Fraction 1 over 2 End Fraction%0D%0A%0D%0A1112%0D%0AStart Fraction 11 over 12 End Fraction%0D%0A%0D%0A37

To solve this problem, we need to subtract the number of cookies Skyler has already decorated from the total number of cookies he made.

Total number of cookies made: 23
Number of cookies decorated: 14

To find the remaining fraction that Skyler still needs to decorate, we subtract the number of decorated cookies from the total number of cookies:

23 - 14 = 9

So, Skyler still needs to decorate 9 cookies.

To represent this fractionally, we can write it as:

Start Fraction 9 over 23 End Fraction

that not a answer

Apologies for the confusion. Let's solve the problem again.

Total number of cookies made: 23
Number of cookies decorated: 14

To find the remaining fraction that Skyler still needs to decorate, we subtract the number of decorated cookies from the total number of cookies:

23 - 14 = 9

So, Skyler still needs to decorate 9 cookies.

To represent this fractionally, we can write it as:

Start Fraction 9 over 23 End Fraction

wich onse the answer





The correct answer is:

Start Fraction 5 over 12 End Fraction

To solve this problem, we need to find the fractional portion of the cookies remaining that Skyler still needs to decorate.

First, we know that Skyler made a total of 23 cookies and decorated 14 of them. To find the remaining cookies, we subtract the number of decorated cookies from the total number of cookies.

23 - 14 = 9

So Skyler still needs to decorate 9 cookies out of the total 23 cookies he made.

To express this as a fraction, we write the number of cookies he still needs to decorate (9) as the numerator, and the total number of cookies he made (23) as the denominator.

Therefore, the fraction representing the remaining cookies to be decorated is 9/23.

So the correct response is: Start Fraction 9 over 23 End Fraction.