Subtract Fractions & Decimals Quick Check

2 of 52 of 5 Items
How should you group the following expression to make it easiest to add? 18 − 949 + 79 − 8(1 point)

(18 − 9 − 8) + (−49 + 79)

(8 − 18) + (49 + 79)

(18 − 8 − 9)

(18 − 8) + (−949 + 79)

What should you do if a place value is missing a number?

What should you do if a place value is missing a number?

What should you do if a place value is missing a number?

remove the last digits in the number that has the additional place value
add a zero
subtract without it

To make it easiest to add, you should group the expression as follows:

(18 − 9 − 8) + (−49 + 79)

To determine how to group the given expression to make it easiest to add, we need to follow the rules of order of operations. In this case, the order of operations dictates that we should perform any operations inside parentheses first.

Looking at the options given, we see that the first option (18 − 9 − 8) + (−49 + 79) includes parentheses, allowing us to simplify the expression inside them before performing any addition. Moreover, we can notice that this grouping separates the positive and negative terms, which can make the addition easier to perform.

Therefore, the correct option is (18 − 9 − 8) + (−49 + 79).

The correct answer is:

(18 − 9 − 8) + (−49 + 79)