Maria left the hardware store and traveled towards the ocean at an average speed of 27.6 mph. Trevon left at the same time and traveled in the opposite direction with an average speed of 78.6 mph. How long does Trevon need to travel before they are 477.9 mi. apart?

We can solve this problem by first finding the distance traveled by each person, and then determining the time it takes for them to be 477.9 miles apart.

Let's assume that Trevon travels for t hours.

The distance traveled by Maria is given by:
Distance = Speed * Time
Distance = 27.6 mph * t

The distance traveled by Trevon is given by:
Distance = Speed * Time
Distance = 78.6 mph * t

Since they are traveling in opposite directions, the total distance between them is the sum of the distances traveled by each person:
477.9 miles = (27.6 mph * t) + (78.6 mph * t)

Combining like terms, we get:
477.9 miles = 106.2 mph * t

Now we can solve for t:
477.9 miles / 106.2 mph = t
t = 4.5 hours

Therefore, Trevon needs to travel for 4.5 hours before they are 477.9 miles apart.