The distance between Busia to Nairobi is 360 km.A bus left Busia at 7:30 am and traveled towards Nairobi at

an average speed of 90km/h. A Nissan left Nairobi at 9:30 am on the same day and traveled towards Busia at
an average speed of 120km/h.
a) How far from Busia they met to the nearest whole number.
b) The time they met.
c) A motorist started from Kisumu at 9:25am on the same day and traveled at an average speed of
110km/h. He arrival at Nairobi at the same time with the bus. Calculate the distance from Nairobi to

a) To find out where they met, we need to calculate the total distance traveled by both vehicles before they met.

The bus left Busia at 7:30 am and traveled for 2 hours and 30 minutes (9:30 am) before they met.
Distance traveled by the bus = speed * time = 90 km/h * 2.5 hours = 225 km

The Nissan left Nairobi at 9:30 am and traveled for 0 hours before they met.
Distance traveled by the Nissan = speed * time = 120 km/h * 0 hours = 0 km.

Total distance traveled before they met = 225 km + 0 km = 225 km.

Therefore, they met 225 km from Busia.

b) The bus left at 7:30 am and traveled for 2 hours and 30 minutes before they met.
So, the time they met = 7:30 am + 2 hours and 30 minutes = 10:00 am.

c) The motorist arrived at Nairobi at the same time as the bus, which was 10:00 am.
The motorist started from Kisumu at 9:25 am, so the traveling time from Kisumu to Nairobi is 45 minutes.
The average speed of the motorist is 110 km/h, so the distance from Kisumu to Nairobi is:
Distance = speed * time = 110 km/h * (45/60) hours = 82.5 km.

Therefore, the distance from Kisumu to Nairobi is 82.5 km.