In two sentences why did Sam Houston and David Crockett fought for texan independence?

Sam Houston and David Crockett fought for Texan independence because they believed in the principles of self-governance and freedom from Mexican rule. They were motivated by a desire to establish an independent Texan republic and protect the rights and liberties of its people.

Describe the influence of Tennessee's Constitutional Convention of 1870 on public education in one sentence.

The Tennessee Constitutional Convention of 1870 had a significant influence on public education by implementing reforms that led to the establishment of a statewide public school system.

in one sentence explain what was some the challenges that the European immigrants faced getting to the united states?

European immigrants faced challenges such as harsh living conditions on crowded ships, language barriers, discrimination, and limited job opportunities upon arriving in the United States.

Sam Houston and David Crockett fought for Texan independence because they believed in the principles of self-governance and resented the dictatorial rule of Mexican President Santa Anna, who had central control over the region. You can find this information by researching primary sources, such as letters, speeches, and historical accounts, which provide insights into the motivations and ideals driving the actions of historical figures like Houston and Crockett.