The table shows the number of different kinds of entrées sold at the basketball concession stand on Tuesday night

Entrées Sold on Tuesday
Kind of Entrée Number Sold
Chili dog 6
Frito pie 16
Hot dog 8
Nachos 10

If the basketball concession stand sells 120 entrées at the basketball concession stand on Friday night, which prediction for Friday is supported by the data in the table?
A The number of nachos sold will be half the number of Frito pies sold.
B At least 25 hot dogs will be sold.
C The number of hot dogs sold will be 6 more than the number of chili dogs sold
D The number of nachos sold will be 6 times the number of hot dogs sold.

Based on the data in the table, option B is supported by the data. The table shows that 8 hot dogs were sold on Tuesday, which suggests that at least 25 hot dogs will be sold on Friday.

The College of Veterinary Medicine at Texas A&M University conducted a study of the rattlesnake vaccine for dogs. The researchers determined that

•12 out of 15 cases of dogs that received the vaccine prior to the rattlesnake bite survived, and

•8 out of 18 cases of dogs who did not receive the vaccine prior to the rattlesnake bite survived

If there were 900 dogs in the study that received the vaccine and were then bitten by a rattlesnake, how many of this group did NOT survive the rattlesnake bite?
A 720
B 400
C 180
D 500

According to the information given, 12 out of 15 dogs that received the vaccine prior to the rattlesnake bite survived. Therefore, the number of dogs that received the vaccine and did not survive the rattlesnake bite is 15 - 12 = 3.

Since there were 900 dogs in the study that received the vaccine and were then bitten by a rattlesnake, the number of dogs in this group that did not survive the rattlesnake bite is 900 - 12 = 888.

So, the correct answer is A) 720.


I apologize for the mistake. Let's recalculate using the correct information.

Out of the 900 dogs that received the vaccine and were bitten by a rattlesnake, 12 out of 15 survived. Therefore, the number of dogs in this group that did not survive is 900 - 12 = 888.

So, the correct answer is A) 888, not 720.

Which two expressions are equivalent to 7(t + 5)?

A (5 + t) • 7(5 + t ) • 7
B 7 • 5 + 7 • t7 • 5 + 7 • t
C 5(t + 7)5( t + 7)
D 7 • 5 • t7 • 5 • t
E 7 • 5 + t

The two expressions that are equivalent to 7(t + 5) are:

B) 7 • 5 + 7 • t
C) 5(t + 7)

To find the equivalent expressions, we simplify the given expression by distributing the 7 into the parentheses:

7(t + 5) = 7 • t + 7 • 5 = 7 • t + 35

Option B) 7 • 5 + 7 • t is equivalent to 7 • t + 35.

Option C) 5(t + 7) is equivalent to 5 • t + 5 • 7 = 5 • t + 35, which is also equivalent to 7 • t + 35.

So, options B) and C) are the correct answers.