
Use the passage to answer the question.

How does this tendency affect the loans granted to new technology and media companies?

(1 point)

These companies’ loans are smaller.

These companies’ loans are smaller.

These companies are unable to obtain loans.

These companies are unable to obtain loans.

These companies’ loans have higher interest rates.

These companies’ loans have higher interest rates.

These companies are loaned money by many different institutions.

These companies are loaned money by many different institutions.

The passage does not provide any information about the loans granted to new technology and media companies. Therefore, none of the given responses can be confirmed as correct or incorrect.

so a b or c

Since the passage does not provide any information about the loans granted to new technology and media companies, none of the given responses (a, b, or c) can be confirmed as correct or incorrect.

To answer the question, you should refer to the passage provided. Look for information or clues that indicate how the tendency mentioned in the passage affects the loans granted to new technology and media companies.

Start by reading the passage carefully. Pay attention to any statements or details that discuss the impact on loans for these companies. Identify any direct or indirect information that answers the question.

Once you have identified the relevant information, consider the different options provided as responses. Compare each option with the information you found in the passage to determine which one accurately reflects the impact on loans granted to new technology and media companies. Choose the response that aligns with the information provided in the passage.