1. Read each question carefully. Choose the best answer for each question or statement. What event convinced South Carolina to send representatives to the First Continental Congress?

A. passage of the Currency Act
B. passage of the Intolerable Acts
C. passage of the Navigation Acts
D. passage of the Stamp Act
2. Which of the following pairs did NOT disagree throughout the colonial period?
A. patriots and loyalists
B. Christopher Gadsen and Samuel Adams
C. citizens of the Up Country and citizens of the Low Country
D. the Council and the Commons House
3. Who was elected President of the Continental Congress?
A. George Washington
B. John Rutledge
C. Thomas Lynch
D. Henry Middleton
4. American colonists who were supporters of the British Crown and did not want to lose their position in society were called _______ .
A. loyalists
B. patriots
C. imperialists
D. parliaments

The answer to the questions are......

1. B. passage of the Intolerable Acts
2. B. Christopher Gadsen and Samuel Adams
3. D. Henry Middleton
4. A. loyalists
these are your answers to The Colonists Unite

Ice Dragen123 is 100% Thx dude :)

1. B. passage of the Intolerable Acts

2. D. the Council and the Commons House
3. D. Henry Middleton
4. A. loyalists

2 is B. Christopher Gadsen and Samuel Adams

I apologize for the incorrect answer. You are correct, the pair that did NOT disagree throughout the colonial period is B. Christopher Gadsden and Samuel Adams. Thank you for pointing that out.

1. The correct answer for the event that convinced South Carolina to send representatives to the First Continental Congress is B. passage of the Intolerable Acts.

2. The correct answer for the pair that did NOT disagree throughout the colonial period is D. the Council and the Commons House.
3. The correct answer for the person elected President of the Continental Congress is D. Henry Middleton.
4. The correct answer for American colonists who were supporters of the British Crown and did not want to lose their position in society is A. loyalists.

To find the answers to these questions, you need to have knowledge about the events and figures during the colonial period. However, let me explain how you can approach finding the answers for each question:

1. To determine the event that convinced South Carolina to send representatives to the First Continental Congress, you would need to have knowledge about the events leading up to the Congress. It may be helpful to consider the impacts of various acts, such as the Currency Act, Intolerable Act, Navigation Acts, and Stamp Act. By understanding the purposes and consequences of each act, you can identify which one might have motivated South Carolina.

2. For this question, you need to identify which pair did NOT disagree throughout the colonial period. To do this, you need to have knowledge about the different groups, figures, or regions during the colonial period and their conflicting ideologies. By examining the historical context of each pair and their respective beliefs, you can identify which pair remained aligned without disagreements.

3. To find out who was elected President of the Continental Congress, you would need to know the key figures involved in the Congress and their roles. By examining the backgrounds and contributions of the listed individuals, you can determine who among them was elected as the President.

4. This question requires you to identify what American colonists who supported the British Crown and were reluctant to lose their social positions were called. Again, this requires knowledge about the different groups and factions during the colonial period, particularly their allegiances and motivations. By understanding the different terms used for various groups, you can identify the correct name for this particular group.

Remember, answering these questions accurately would require a solid understanding of the history and events during the colonial period in America.