How does a primary source impact a person’s understanding of a historic event? (1 point)


It provides only facts without giving opinions
It provides only facts without giving opinions

Its uses several historical accounts to explain the event
Its uses several historical accounts to explain the event

It allows for time to pass before the event is analyzed
It allows for time to pass before the event is analyzed

It provides a firsthand account of the event

It provides a firsthand account of the event.

What is migration, and what are push and pull factors?(1 point)






Migration is the process of people moving from one place to another, usually to live and settle in a new location.

Push factors are the reasons that encourage people to leave their home country or area, such as war, famine, natural disasters, or political instability.

Pull factors, on the other hand, are the reasons that attract people to a particular destination or country, such as job opportunities, better living conditions, or political stability.

Correct answer: It provides a firsthand account of the event

Explanation: A primary source is a firsthand or contemporary account of an event or time period. It can include things like diaries, letters, photographs, speeches, interviews, and original documents. By directly witnessing or experiencing an event, primary sources have the potential to provide the most accurate and direct information possible. Therefore, a primary source gives individuals the opportunity to gain a deeper and more nuanced understanding of a historic event by providing firsthand, unbiased, and unfiltered information.