What should Fareed use in order to help his readers better understand the data he presents in his essay?

Fareed can use various techniques to help his readers better understand the data he presents in his essay. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Visuals and charts: Fareed can include graphs, charts, or infographics to illustrate the data in a clear and visually appealing manner. Visuals can help readers quickly grasp complex information and identify trends or patterns.

2. Data interpretation: Instead of presenting raw data directly, Fareed can provide analysis and interpretation. By explaining the significance of the data points, trends, or relationships, he can make it easier for readers to understand the implications and draw meaningful conclusions.

3. Comparisons and benchmarks: Fareed can use comparisons to make the data more relatable to his readers. By providing benchmarks or referring to well-known data sets, he can give readers a reference point and facilitate their understanding of the presented information.

4. Contextualization: It is crucial to provide relevant context when presenting data. Fareed can explain the background of the topic, the source of the data, and any factors that might influence the interpretation. By providing context, readers can better understand the relevance and importance of the data presented.

5. Real-life examples: Accompanying the data with real-life examples or case studies can help readers relate to the information and understand its practical implications. Concrete examples can make the data more tangible and relatable, improving comprehension.

6. Simplification: If the data is particularly complex or technical, Fareed should strive to simplify it without losing its essence. Breaking down complex concepts into simpler terms, avoiding jargon, and using everyday language can make the data more accessible to a wider audience.

7. Narrative structure: Organizing the data within a narrative structure can make it easier for readers to follow. Fareed can present the data as a story, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion that ties the data together and provides a cohesive narrative.

Overall, Fareed should aim to strike a balance between presenting the raw data and providing the necessary context and analysis to enhance readers' understanding. By utilizing visuals, comparisons, interpretation, and contextualization, Fareed can effectively help his readers comprehend the data presented in his essay.