Jacqueline has two part-time jobs. She earns $15 per hour working as a lab assistant and $12 per hour working as a cashier this is model by 15 L +12 S evaluate for L equals 5NS equals seven how far to find how much money Jacqueline won’t earn her job this week

To find out how much money Jacqueline will earn from her lab assistant job (denoted by L), you can substitute L with the given value of 5 into the equation:

15(5) + 12S

Now you need to find the amount of money she earns from her cashier job (denoted by S), which is given as 7. Substitute S with 7 into the equation:

15(5) + 12(7)

First, calculate 15 times 5, which equals 75:

75 + 12(7)

Next, calculate 12 times 7, which equals 84:

75 + 84

Finally, add these two results together:

75 + 84 = 159

Therefore, Jacqueline will earn $159 from her jobs this week.