Which were important characteristics of Sparta's government? Select the two correct answers.

(1 point)

Oligarchs were able to hold a lot of power in government.

Oligarchs were able to hold a lot of power in government.

Citizens were able to hold a large amount of power in government.

Citizens were able to hold a large amount of power in government.

Ephors were prohibited from participating in the government.

Ephors were prohibited from participating in the government.

Religious leaders were the most powerful in the government.

Religious leaders were the most powerful in the government.

Sparta's government was a combination of a monarchy, a democracy, and an oligarchy.

The correct answers are:

- Oligarchs were able to hold a lot of power in government.
- Sparta's government was a combination of a monarchy, a democracy, and an oligarchy.

Which impact did mountains have on the development of Greek city-states?

(1 point)

They isolated the city-states and made them independent.

They isolated the city-states and made them independent.

They helped increase trade between the city-states.

They helped increase trade between the city-states.

They had fertile soil so people farmed in the mountains.

They had fertile soil so people farmed in the mountains.

People in the mountains worked as sailors and merchants.

The correct answer is:

- They isolated the city-states and made them independent.

Which of the following are some characteristics of democracy in Ancient Athens? Select the two correct answers.

(1 point)

Women were allowed to vote.

Women were allowed to vote.

Free adult Athenian males were considered citizens.

Free adult Athenian males were considered citizens.

Citizens were eligible to serve on the council.

Citizens were eligible to serve on the council.

Foreigners could participate in the assembly.

Foreigners could participate in the assembly.

Slaves had some rights.

The correct answers are:

- Free adult Athenian males were considered citizens.
- Citizens were eligible to serve on the council.

Why did direct democracy work in Athens but not in the United States?

(1 point)

There was a large amount of citizens in Athens and small amount in the United States.

There was a large amount of citizens in Athens and small amount in the United States.

There was a larger number of non-citizens in Athens than in the United States.

There was a larger number of non-citizens in Athens than in the United States.

The territory of Athens was larger than the territory of the United States.

The territory of Athens was larger than the territory of the United States.

There was a small number of citizens in Athens and large amount in the United States.

The response "There was a small number of citizens in Athens and large amount in the United States" is not a correct answer to the question.

The main reason why direct democracy worked in Athens but not in the United States is that Athens had a much smaller population. In Ancient Athens, direct democracy was feasible because the city-state had a relatively small number of citizens who could gather in one place to actively participate in decision-making. In contrast, the United States has a much larger population spread over a vast territory, making it impractical for all citizens to directly participate in decision-making. As a result, representative democracy, where citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf, is employed in the United States.


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