To paint a room, Pretty Paint company charges $75 per room. Big Bucket Paint Company charges $426 to paint a 6 room house. List the cost per room of the least expensive company. DO NOT LABEL.(1 point)



Are you sure

Sorry for the confusion. Let me correct my response.

To calculate the cost per room, we can divide the total cost by the number of rooms.

For Pretty Paint company, the cost per room is $75 per room.

For Big Bucket Paint Company, the total cost is $426 for a 6 room house.

To find the cost per room, we divide $426 by 6:

$426 / 6 = $71

Therefore, the cost per room of the least expensive company is $71.

To find the cost per room of the least expensive company, we need to compare the cost of both companies.

Let's start with Pretty Paint Company. They charge $75 per room, so for 6 rooms, the total cost would be 6 * $75 = $<<6*75=450>>450.

Now let's consider Big Bucket Paint Company. They charge $426 for a 6 room house.

To calculate the cost per room for Big Bucket Paint Company, we divide the total cost by the number of rooms. Therefore, the cost per room for Big Bucket Paint Company is $426 / 6 = $<<426/6=71>>71.

So, the cost per room of the least expensive company is $71.