Why do state legislatures use gerrymandering to impact minority rights?(1 point)


A political party can change the population of a state to benefit itself.
A political party can change the population of a state to benefit itself.

A political party can take away congressional representation specifically from minority voters.
A political party can take away congressional representation specifically from minority voters.

A political party can ensure that only their voters turn out for elections.
A political party can ensure that only their voters turn out for elections.

A political party can decrease the influence of minority voters by making their votes less powerful.

All of the responses mention ways in which gerrymandering can impact minority rights. By manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts, state legislatures can prioritize the interests of a particular political party and diminish the electoral power of minority voters. This can be achieved by either concentrating minority voters into a few districts, reducing their overall representation, or diluting their voting power by spreading them across multiple districts. Ultimately, gerrymandering allows political parties to manipulate the political landscape in their favor and undermine the rights and influence of minority voters.