Which statement best summarizes how majority and minority leaders may impact the workings of Congress?(1 point) Responses Majority and minority leaders organize party members, maintain party priorities, negotiate and advocate positions, and use legislative powers to advance favorable bills. Majority and minority leaders organize party members, maintain party priorities, negotiate and advocate positions, and use legislative powers to advance favorable bills. Only majority leaders have a substantial impact on the workings of Congress. Minority leaders have little power to influence legislation. Only majority leaders have a substantial impact on the workings of Congress. Minority leaders have little power to influence legislation. Majority and minority leaders do not impact the workings of Congress directly. Instead, their main responsibility is to maintain the inner organization of their respective political parties. Majority and minority leaders do not impact the workings of Congress directly. Instead, their main responsibility is to maintain the inner organization of their respective political parties. Majority and minority leaders always collaborate to resolve differences of opinion on legislation passing through Congress.

Both majority and minority leaders have the power to organize party members, maintain party priorities, negotiate and advocate positions, and use legislative powers to advance favorable bills. They have a substantial impact on the workings of Congress and are able to influence legislation.

The correct statement is: Majority and minority leaders organize party members, maintain party priorities, negotiate and advocate positions, and use legislative powers to advance favorable bills.

The correct answer is:

Majority and minority leaders organize party members, maintain party priorities, negotiate and advocate positions, and use legislative powers to advance favorable bills.

To understand how majority and minority leaders may impact the workings of Congress, it is important to know their roles and responsibilities. Majority and minority leaders are elected officials who hold influential positions within their respective political parties in Congress.

Their main role is to organize party members to ensure party cohesion and unity. They work to maintain party priorities, which involves coordinating party members' positions on various issues and legislation. They also negotiate and advocate for their party's positions, both within Congress and with other stakeholders, in order to advance their party's agenda.

Additionally, majority and minority leaders have legislative powers that allow them to influence the legislative process. They can use their positions to advance favorable bills and push for the passage of legislation that aligns with their party's goals and objectives.

It is worth noting that while both majority and minority leaders have significant roles and impact in Congress, majority leaders often have more power due to their position as the leader of the party with the most members in the chamber. However, minority leaders also play a crucial role in representing their party's interests and advocating for their viewpoints, even if they may face certain limitations due to their numerical disadvantage.