What is the exigence outside of the film, Daddy Day Care

The exigence outside of the film "Daddy Day Care" is the increased need for alternative child care options due to various societal factors.

Some possible factors contributing to this exigence include:

1. Changing family dynamics: The film portrays working parents who are struggling to balance their professional careers with their responsibilities as parents. This reflects the reality of many families today, where both parents are often employed and may face challenges finding suitable child care options.

2. Limited access to traditional child care services: In the film, the characters face difficulty finding and affording traditional day care services. This could reflect a broader issue in society where there is a lack of accessible or affordable child care options, leading to a need for alternative solutions.

3. The desire for personalized care and attention: The film emphasizes the importance of individualized attention and care for children. This could reflect a growing belief in society that traditional day care centers may not be able to provide the level of personalized care that some parents desire for their children. This desire for more individualized care could be a driving force behind the need for alternative child care options, such as the Daddy Day Care facility portrayed in the film.

Overall, the exigence outside of the film "Daddy Day Care" relates to the need for alternative child care options due to changing family dynamics, limited access to traditional services, and the desire for personalized care and attention for children.