My cultural custom essay topic is traditional is Christmas Paragraph 2, 3, 4 - (Body paragraphs 1-3) You will develop the three key points that will support your main idea. in informational writing, supporting details include:

• facts, examples, statistics, reasons
• views of experts in the field
• describe experiences and other stories that illustrate a point.

To develop the three key points that will support your main idea about the cultural custom of traditional Christmas, you can use various types of supporting details in your body paragraphs. Here are some suggestions:

Paragraph 2:
1. Facts: Include specific facts about traditional Christmas customs, such as the origins of Christmas traditions, the significance of symbols like Christmas trees and stockings, or the history of holiday greetings.
2. Examples: Provide examples of traditional Christmas celebrations from different cultures or countries, highlighting unique customs, rituals, or traditions that are associated with this holiday.
3. Statistics: Include statistics that demonstrate the widespread popularity and global impact of Christmas, such as the number of countries where it is celebrated or the amount of money spent on Christmas-related activities and merchandise.

Paragraph 3:
1. Experts' views: Quote or paraphrase experts who have studied or written about the cultural significance of traditional Christmas. Look for scholars, historians, or sociologists who can provide insights into the customs and traditions of this holiday.
2. Experiences: Share personal experiences or stories that illustrate the impact of traditional Christmas customs on individuals or communities. This could be a personal memory of a specific Christmas tradition or an anecdote about how Christmas celebrations bring families or communities together.
3. Other stories: Incorporate stories or anecdotes from fictional or historical sources that highlight the importance of traditional Christmas customs. This could include mentioning classic literature, movies, or songs that revolve around Christmas themes.

Paragraph 4:
1. Reasons: Present logical reasons why traditional Christmas customs continue to be cherished and passed down through generations. You can discuss the emotional or cultural significance of these customs, the sense of nostalgia they evoke, or the feelings of togetherness and joy associated with them.
2. Facts: Include additional facts or research findings that support the importance of traditional Christmas customs in promoting cultural identity, fostering connections between family and friends, or boosting the economy through holiday shopping.
3. Examples: Provide further examples of traditions or activities associated with traditional Christmas, such as gift-giving, caroling, or preparing certain festive foods, to emphasize the richness and diversity of this holiday's customs.

By incorporating a combination of facts, examples, statistics, expert views, personal experiences, and stories, you can develop strong supporting details for your body paragraphs in order to effectively explain the cultural custom of traditional Christmas.