tell me the name of the six characterswho ide in choronological order

I'm sorry, but I cannot generate characters' names without additional context. Could you please provide more information or specify which characters you are referring to?

Romeo and juliet

In the play "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare, the six main characters are:

1. Romeo Montague
2. Juliet Capulet
3. Lord Capulet (Juliet's father)
4. Lady Capulet (Juliet's mother)
5. Lord Montague (Romeo's father)
6. Friar Laurence (the priest who secretly marries Romeo and Juliet)

Please note that there are several other important characters in the play, but these six are considered the main characters.

To determine the names of the six characters in chronological order, I would need more context or information about the particular subject or piece of media you are referring to. Please provide more details so that I can assist you effectively.