aA. -ite and -ide
B. -ite and -ate
C. -ate and -ide
d -thio and -ate

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-ite and ide

The correct answer is option B, -ite and -ate.

Suffixes in chemistry are used to indicate the presence of different elements or functional groups in a compound. In the case of polyatomic ions, which are charged groups of atoms, suffixes are used to indicate the overall charge and the presence of certain elements.

-ite and -ate are two common suffixes used in polyatomic ions to indicate the presence of oxygen.

The -ite suffix is used for the ion with a lower oxidation number or fewer oxygen atoms, while the -ate suffix is used for the ion with a higher oxidation number or more oxygen atoms.

For example, the sulfate ion (SO4^2-) contains four oxygen atoms. If we remove one oxygen atom, we get the sulfite ion (SO3^2-). In this case, the -ite suffix indicates the lower number of oxygen atoms compared to the sulfate ion.

Similarly, the nitrate ion (NO3^-) contains three oxygen atoms. If we add one more oxygen atom, we get the nitrite ion (NO2^-). In this case, the -ite suffix indicates the lower number of oxygen atoms compared to the nitrate ion.

Therefore, the correct answer is B, -ite and -ate.

To determine the two suffixes that indicate the presence of oxygen in a polyatomic ion, let's break down and analyze the options given.

Option A: -ite and -ide
Option B: -ite and -ate
Option C: -ate and -ide
Option D: -thio and -ate

To find the two suffixes that indicate the presence of oxygen, we need to understand the meaning of each suffix.

The suffix "-ite" typically denotes a polyatomic ion with a lower oxidation state or fewer oxygen atoms compared to the "-ate" counterpart. For example, nitrite (NO2-) has one less oxygen atom than nitrate (NO3-).

The suffix "-ate" typically indicates a polyatomic ion with a higher oxidation state or more oxygen atoms compared to the "-ite" counterpart. For instance, sulfate (SO42-) has one more oxygen atom than sulfite (SO32-).

The suffix "-ide" is used for elements or compounds without oxygen. This suffix indicates the absence of oxygen in the polyatomic ion.

The prefix "thio-" is added to elements or compounds when sulfur replaces oxygen. It is not directly related to the presence of oxygen in a polyatomic ion.

Based on this understanding, the correct answer is Option C: -ate and -ide. The "-ate" suffix indicates the presence of oxygen and typically represents the higher oxidation state or a higher number of oxygen atoms. The "-ide" suffix indicates the absence of oxygen.

Therefore, the polyatomic ions that contain oxygen can be recognized by the suffixes "-ate" and "-ide".