A pizza ahop owner determined the annual profit in dollars from sellling pizza using p(n)-32n-0.04n^2 where n is the number of pizza sold. what is the annual profit if the pizza shop owner sells 350 pizzas

To find the annual profit if the pizza shop owner sells 350 pizzas, we substitute n = 350 into the profit equation.

p(n) = -0.04n^2 + 32n

p(350) = -0.04(350)^2 + 32(350)

Calculating this expression gives us:

p(350) = -0.04(122,500) + 11,200

p(350) = -4,900 + 11,200

p(350) = 6,300

Therefore, the annual profit if the pizza shop owner sells 350 pizzas is $6,300.