A pizza maker determined an annual profit in dollars from selling pizzas using f(n)=65n-0.04n^2 where n is the number of pizzas sold. What is the annual profit if the pizza maker sells 300 pizzas?

To find the annual profit if the pizza maker sells 300 pizzas, we need to substitute n=300 into the given function and simplify:

f(n) = 65n - 0.04n^2
f(300) = 65(300) - 0.04(300)^2
f(300) = 19,500 - 3,600
f(300) = 15,900

Therefore, the annual profit if the pizza maker sells 300 pizzas is $15,900.

To find the annual profit if the pizza maker sells 300 pizzas, we need to substitute n = 300 into the profit function f(n) = 65n - 0.04n^2.

Let's calculate it step by step:

1. Substitute n = 300 into the profit function:
f(300) = 65 * 300 - 0.04 * 300^2

2. Simplify the equation:
f(300) = 19500 - 0.04 * 90000

3. Calculate the square of 300:
f(300) = 19500 - 0.04 * 90000
= 19500 - 3600

4. Subtract 3600 from 19500:
f(300) = 15900

So, the annual profit if the pizza maker sells 300 pizzas is $15,900.