hi bot, I have a question once I looked at the sun about a year ago, and recently I have been seeing: flashes of light, haloes, and my vision been blurry!!!

It is not safe to look directly at the sun, as its intense light can cause damage to the eyes. The symptoms you are experiencing—flashes of light, haloes around lights, and blurry vision—can be signs of various eye issues, some of which may be serious and require immediate medical attention.

If you haven't already done so, please see an eye care professional (e.g., an optometrist or ophthalmologist) as soon as possible for a comprehensive eye examination. These symptoms could be indicative of conditions such as:

1. Retinal damage: Exposure to the sun can cause damage to the retina, potentially leading to solar retinopathy.
2. Cataracts: Prolonged UV exposure can accelerate the development of cataracts, which cause cloudy vision.
3. Macular degeneration: Damage to the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for detailed vision, could occur.
4. Glaucoma: An increase in intraocular pressure that can lead to optic nerve damage and cause vision issues, such as haloes.
5. Migraine: Flashes of light and blurry vision could be a sign of migraines with aura, although this isn't directly related to sun exposure.

Given that your symptoms arose after looking at the sun and have been ongoing, it's imperative to seek medical advice to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment. Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial to prevent potential long-term vision loss. Please make an appointment with an eye specialist or visit an emergency department if the symptoms are severe or worsening.

Will i go blind?

I cannot diagnose your condition or predict the outcome, as I am not a medical professional. However, what I can tell you is that the symptoms you're describing could potentially be signs of eye conditions that, if left untreated, could lead to serious and sometimes irreversible damage to your vision.

The immediate and long-term effects of looking at the sun without proper eye protection, such as solar retinopathy, can vary greatly depending on several factors including the duration and intensity of the exposure, and the individual's eyes' susceptibility to damage.

While some people may experience temporary discomfort or visual disturbances that resolve on their own, others might sustain more severe damage that could lead to permanent vision problems—even blindness, in extreme cases.

Given the seriousness of your symptoms and the potential risks involved, it's essential that you see an eye care professional as soon as possible. They will be able to provide a proper evaluation, diagnose any issues, and recommend an appropriate treatment plan to help preserve your vision.

Remember that maintaining regular eye examinations and protecting your eyes from harmful UV radiation with appropriate sunglasses are important steps in preventing eye damage and sustaining good eye health.

I looked at the sun after my eye exam, so now i have to wait to next year

If you have already experienced an eye exam recently but then looked at the sun afterward and are now experiencing symptoms such as flashes of light, haloes, and blurry vision, it is important to schedule another appointment with an eye care professional immediately, rather than waiting until next year.

Symptoms like the ones you are experiencing could indicate a new or acute issue that needs prompt attention. Eye care professionals can provide urgent assessments and care when there are sudden changes in vision or concerning new symptoms.

Please do not delay seeking medical advice. Contact an optometrist or ophthalmologist as soon as possible, explain the situation and the symptoms you are having, and they will advise you on the next steps to take. Eye health can change rapidly, especially after events such as direct sun exposure, and waiting could jeopardize your vision. Your eye health should always be a priority, and it is critical to get any concerning symptoms evaluated without delay.

I cant my mom will just say you ok, but I don't want to tell her I looked at the soon for some stupid reason

I understand that you might feel uneasy about discussing this with your mom, especially if you're concerned about her reaction. However, your vision and eye health are very important, and it's essential to address any issues as soon as possible to prevent potential long-term damage. Here is some advice on how to approach the situation:

1. Be Honest: It's okay to make mistakes, and looking at the sun can be one of those. The important thing now is to take care of your eyes. Explain to your mom that you're experiencing concerning symptoms and that you need to see an eye care professional as soon as possible.

2. Provide Information: Sometimes people may not understand the urgency until they are provided with information. You can explain the potential risks associated with sun gazing, such as retinal damage, and why your symptoms are worrisome.

3. Emphasize Symptoms: Focus on the symptoms you're experiencing rather than the cause. Tell your mom about the flashes of light, haloes, and blurry vision, and stress that this is not normal for you.

4. Seek Help from Another Adult: If you don't feel comfortable talking to your mom, is there another trusted adult you can talk to? This could be a relative, teacher, school nurse, or family friend who could help you communicate the seriousness of the situation to your mom.

5. Consider Urgent Care Services: If your symptoms are severe or worsening, and you can't see an eye specialist immediately, you might need to visit an urgent care center or emergency room. Eye health professionals there can assess your situation and provide the necessary advice or treatment.

Remember, taking prompt action is crucial for your eye health. It's better to address this issue now than to risk serious long-term damage to your vision.

I'm sry I can't go to the eye dotor is there anything else I could do?

I understand that seeing an eye doctor might not be immediately possible for you. While there are no substitutes for professional medical care when it comes to eye health, here are some general health tips that you can follow at home until you're able to get professional help:

1. **Avoid Further Damage**: Do not look at the sun again, and try to avoid bright lights. When you're outside, wear sunglasses that provide 100% UV protection.

2. **Rest Your Eyes**: Give your eyes plenty of rest. If you're experiencing strain from activities like reading, watching TV, or using a computer or smartphone, take regular breaks using the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

3. **Use Proper Lighting**: Make sure you're working and reading in well-lit areas. Dim lighting can strain your eyes further.

4. **Stay Hydrated**: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. This can help with overall eye health.

5. **Avoid Eye Strain**: Minimize activities that could strain your eyes further. This includes spending long periods on digital devices without breaks or reading in poor lighting.

6. **Healthy Diet**: Eating a balanced diet with foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, can be beneficial for eye health.

7. **Monitor Symptoms**: Keep track of your symptoms. If they worsen, or if you experience significant pain, loss of vision, or any new symptoms, seek medical attention immediately, even if you need to involve another adult or authority to help you get the care you need.

It’s important to emphasize that while these steps may be helpful for general eye health, they are not treatments for any eye condition you might have as a result of looking at the sun. It's crucial to communicate the urgency of your symptoms to a parent or guardian. Your health and well-being should be the top priority, and prompt medical attention is the best course of action when dealing with potential eye injuries.

I have been doing 1. alot