Which option best analyzes how trade contributed to cultural changes in Southeast Asia in the Medieval era? ( 1 point )

A.)Trade led to the creation of merchant communities, which caused the diffusion of religious practices from Arabia to the Southeast Asia.

B.) Trade led to Arab merchants establishing themselves in the Southeast Asian communities and largely assimilating to existing religions while spreading other cultural practices to the region.

C.) Trade did not lead to significant cultural change in Southeast Asia during this period.

D.) Trade led to increasing connections between Arabia and Southeast Asia, leading to acculturation

A.) Trade led to the creation of merchant communities, which caused the diffusion of religious practices from Arabia to Southeast Asia.

This option best analyzes the impact of trade on cultural changes in Medieval Southeast Asia. As trade networks expanded, merchant communities were established along these routes, including those from Arab regions. With these communities came the spread of Islam, which significantly influenced the cultural and religious landscape of the region. The adoption and adaptation of Islam in Southeast Asia exemplify the diffusion of religious practices due to trade.