Use the paragraph to answer the question.

Layla: While it’s true that spending has gone up, I don't think that the true meaning of the holidays is lost because I know I like to shop for my family so they know I am thinking of them.

Margot: I agree that holiday spending has gone up, and spending is out of control but I have done things like spend time with the people I love so they know I am thinking of them.

Fact: Holiday spending has gone up.

Which factor explains how Margot and Layla interpreted the same fact differently?

(1 point)

different experiences
different experiences

different holidays
different holidays

different spending styles
different spending styles

different truths
different truths
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The factor that explains how Margot and Layla interpreted the same fact differently is:

different experiences

Margot and Layla both agree that holiday spending has gone up, but they have different experiences related to the holidays and spending that affect their perspectives. Layla views shopping for her family as a way to show that she is thinking of them, which aligns with her experience of the holidays not losing their meaning. Margot acknowledges the increase in spending and seems to feel that it is excessive (out of control), but she finds meaning in the holidays through spending time with loved ones, which is a different experience.

Use the paragraph to answer the question.

The mimic octopus not only changes its color, but also its shape and behavior. It is able to imitate 15 different species. By changing the way it swims, it can look and act like a sea snake, stingray, jellyfish, and even a seashell. Changing its movement confuses predators, helping it flee to safety. It also helps it confuse prey and catch its next meal.The mimic octopus truly is a great example of how animals adapt to survive.

In one to two sentences, describe the text structure of this paragraph.

(2 points)

Short Answer Rubric (4 points)
Points Awarded Criteria
The answer is very clear.

The answer is fully supported by details.

There may be a few errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics. Errors do not interfere with meaning.

The answer is clear.

The answer is somewhat supported by details.

There may be a few errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics. Errors do not interfere with meaning.

The answer is somewhat clear.

The answer is not fully supported by details.

There may be a few errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics. Errors interfere with meaning.

The answer is not clear.

Details are weak or not related.

There are some errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. Errors interfere with meaning.

0 The question is not answered.

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The text structure of this paragraph is descriptive and explanatory. It describes the mimic octopus's unique ability to change its shape, color, and behavior and then explains how these abilities help it to survive by avoiding predators and catching prey.

In one to two sentences, explain why a presenter would want to use audio as a media form. (2 points)

A presenter would want to use audio as a media form to engage the audience's sense of hearing, which can help in conveying messages more effectively, maintaining interest, and adding another layer of communication through tone, emphasis, and audio cues. Additionally, audio can be used to provide examples, set a mood, or share information that complements visual elements in a presentation.

Use the conversation to answer the question.

MOM: You need to start your homework as soon as you get home from school. You will be too tired to do it later.

ISAAC: I'm tired when I get home from school because I've been paying attention in class and surrounded by people all day. I also have to clean my room and take Boomer for a walk.

MOM: Your homework is more important than both of those things.

ISAAC: I agree with you. But by the time I get home from school, I've been doing schoolwork for eight hours straight. If I had a break from doing schoolwork to take care of the other things I need to do before starting homework, I think I would be more focused. Also, I always finish my homework. It's important to me that it get done, too.

In one to two sentences, explain Isaac's reasoning for wanting to do his homework later than his mother would prefer.

(2 points)

Isaac's reasoning for wanting to do his homework later is that he feels he needs a break after a long day at school to refresh and refocus before tackling his assignments, and he also has other responsibilities like cleaning his room and walking the dog that he wants to complete first. Despite these tasks, he acknowledges the importance of homework and has a track record of always completing it.

In three to five sentences, explain how different authors might interpret facts in multiple ways.(4 points)

Different authors might interpret facts in multiple ways due to their varying perspectives, biases, and the contexts in which they are writing. One author might view a fact through the lens of previous experiences and biases, leading them to emphasize certain aspects that support their viewpoint, while another might approach the same fact with a contrasting perspective, thus highlighting different implications or outcomes. Additionally, authors may have different purposes for their writing – such as persuasion, information, or entertainment – which can influence how they present facts to support their narrative or argument. The target audience also plays a role; authors might tailor their interpretation of a fact to resonate with their intended readers or to provoke a particular reaction. Lastly, cultural and societal norms may affect how an author interprets and uses facts, as these norms can shape what is considered significant or true within a given context.