Analyzing Informational Text Unit Test 11 of 1511 of 15 Items Question Use the paragraph to answer the question. Layla: While it’s true that spending has gone up, I don't think that the true meaning of the holidays is lost because I know I like to shop for my family so they know I am thinking of them. Margot: I agree that holiday spending has gone up, and spending is out of control but I have done things like spend time with the people I love so they know I am thinking of them. Fact: Holiday spending has gone up. Which factor explains how Margot and Layla interpreted the same fact differently? (1 point) Responses different spending styles different spending styles different experiences different experiences different holidays different holidays different truths different truths Skip to navigation

The factor that explains how Margot and Layla interpreted the same fact differently is different experiences. Layla believes that the true meaning of the holidays is not lost because she likes to shop for her family to show them she is thinking of them. Margot, on the other hand, believes that spending is out of control but she has shown her love and thoughtfulness by spending time with the people she cares about. Each of them has different experiences and different ways of showing their love and thoughtfulness during the holidays, leading to their different interpretations of the fact about holiday spending going up.

answer is?

The factor that explains how Margot and Layla interpreted the same fact differently is different experiences.

To answer this question, we need to analyze how Margot and Layla interpreted the fact that holiday spending has gone up differently. From the paragraph, Layla believes that holiday spending is not a problem because she enjoys shopping for her family to show that she is thinking of them. Margot, on the other hand, agrees that holiday spending has increased but sees it as out of control and chooses to spend time with her loved ones to show her love and care instead.

Therefore, the factor that explains how Margot and Layla interpreted the same fact differently is different spending styles. Layla sees gift shopping as a way to express her love and thoughtfulness, while Margot values spending quality time with loved ones instead.