Select the values that make the inequality start fraction, g, divided by, minus, 5, end fraction, ≥, minus, 9


≥−9 true. Then write an equivalent inequality, in terms of gg.
(Numbers written in order from least to greatest going across.)
Attempt 1 out of 3

35 40 42
44 45 46
48 50 55

To solve the inequality \(\frac{g}{-5} \geq -9\), we must isolate g. Here's how we do it step by step:

Given inequality: \(\frac{g}{-5} \geq -9\)

To eliminate the fraction, we can multiply each side of the inequality by -5. However, remember that when we multiply or divide an inequality by a negative number, we must reverse the inequality sign:

\(\frac{g}{-5} \times (-5) \leq -9 \times (-5)\)

This simplifies to:

\(g \leq 45\)

Now we have an equivalent inequality in terms of g: \(g \leq 45\).

This means all g values that are less than or equal to 45 make the inequality true. Looking at the numbers you've provided, the correct values that make the inequality true would be:

35, 40, 42, 44, 45

These are all less than or equal to 45. So, the correct values from your list are 35, 40, 42, 44, and 45.