Which of the following describes direct characterization? The author suggests information about a character through point) the character's words and actions other characters' actions and remarks toward him or her statements about the character's appearance, personality, and actions

Direct characterization occurs when the author explicitly states information about a character's qualities, personality traits, or appearance. Rather than leaving it to the reader's inference based on the character's behavior or the reactions of others, the author tells the reader what the character is like.

Example of direct characterization: "John was a tall man, with a stern face and an authoritative manner that commanded respect."

In the options provided, statements about the character's appearance, personality, and actions would be considered direct characterization. This is because the author is directly informing the reader of these aspects of the character rather than showing them through the character's words and actions or through the observations and reactions of other characters (which would be indirect characterization).

So a b or c

Apologies for the confusion. Let's clarify the options to ensure we correctly identify which one represents direct characterization:

a) The author implies information about the character through the character's words and actions. (Indirect Characterization)
b) Other characters' actions and remarks toward him or her. (Indirect Characterization)
c) Statements about the character's appearance, personality, and actions. (Direct Characterization)

The correct answer is:

c) Statements about the character's appearance, personality, and actions.

This choice involves the author giving explicit information about the character, which is what direct characterization entails.

Direct characterization refers to the explicit and straightforward way an author provides information about a character. Out of the options you provided, the statement that best describes direct characterization is:

"Statements about the character's appearance, personality, and actions."

When employing direct characterization, the author explicitly provides details about a character's physical appearance, personality traits, and behaviors. These details are typically stated outright in the text, allowing readers to directly understand the character's qualities without having to infer from other clues.