Which of the following describes direct characterization?

The author suggests information about a character
(1 point)
the character’s words and actions.
other characters’ actions and remarks toward him or
statements about the character’s appearance,
personality, and actions.

statements about the character’s appearance, personality, and actions.

Direct characterization is when the author directly provides information about a character through statements about their appearance, personality, and actions.

Direct characterization refers to the method where the author directly provides information about a character through various means. In this case, the correct choice is "statements about the character's appearance, personality, and actions." This means that the author explicitly describes the character's physical attributes, qualities, and behavior. To identify direct characterization in a text, one should look for direct statements or descriptions by the author regarding the character's appearance, personality, or actions. These statements will help readers garner a better understanding of the character without having to rely on inferences or interpretations.