A farmer cycled from his compound to the market at an average speed of 12km per hour. If he took 40 minutes for the journey, how many kilometers is the market from the compound

To find the distance to the market from the compound, we can use the formula for distance:

Distance = Speed × Time

We know the average speed is 12 kilometers per hour (km/h), but we need to convert the time from minutes to hours since the speed is in km/h. There are 60 minutes in an hour, so 40 minutes is equal to:

40 minutes / 60 minutes/hour = 2/3 hour

Now, we can calculate the distance:

Distance = Speed × Time
Distance = 12 km/h × (2/3 hour)
Distance = (12 × 2) / 3 km
Distance = 24 / 3 km
Distance = 8 km

The market is 8 kilometers away from the compound.